Juhua's Di-Yi Embrace My Heart "Musa"
Født: 12.10.06
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Klikk på navnene for bilder.
Juhua's Di-Yi Blossom Vic-Tory
N S UCH Amstars Lotus Blossom
INT NORD UCH NORDV-95EUV-97KBHV-97 Tangse Wee Wa Zapata
N UCH "Amstars" Carmen Electra
Tirilille`s Mo Li Wendy.
Sicilka`s Paint Sky With Stars
Chervedina`s Yi Si-Kela
Little Pride`s Bei-Jing
Chervedina`s R-Ex-Ei-S Petter Pan
DK N UCH Sannie`s Ke-San Thai-Ger
Sannie`s Ke-San Li-Ann
Country Flower Sweet As Honey
INT NORD UCH Ziams Master of the House